It can be mounted very easily by connecting the already plugged cables to the male connector. The Glomeasy system, featuring only 3 types of antenna and their accessories, meets all the needs of pleasure boaters and sailers.Colour:COLORE_bianco_pieno WhiteModel:stainless steelLength m:0,90db:3Recommended for:sailOsculati ID:29.990.01Osculati Info:
Leistungsverstärkte Ausführung der Art. Nr. 32.235.00/01. Aus 90°-überkreuzenden Aluminiumlamellen in Kunstoffgehäuse. Hochreflektierende Oberfläche, garantierte Ortung bis 4 Seemeilen.Modell für:SegelbooteAnbringung:Wanten oder StagLänge mm:600Ø mm:100Osculati ID:32.236.00Osculati Info:
Solid state radar antenna:- Immediate awareness - Quantum starts up and is ready to go in seconds- Cable-connected or wireless display- Extremely low power consumption - 24-mile range - Digital adaptive receiver that automatically adapt to weather and sea conditions for increased definition images- Superior target awareness in multilevel colours (256)- Adjustable TrueTrails target history shows the motion history of moving contacts- Fully automatic MARPA target tracking, along with manual MARPA mode.Using advanced Doppler processing, the system instantly highlights moving radar contacts and color codes them to indicate whether they are inbound or outboundDescription:Quantum Q24D Radar Doppler 18" without power supply and data cablesColour:COLORE_bianco_pieno WhiteOsculati ID:29.712.24Osculati Info: