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Where is the wind in Switzerland + insider spot tips

Author: Mark
Mark is always on the water. He teaches SUP, is out with friends wingfoiling, windsurfing and wakeboarding. Or he's doing quality tests in the factories.
Actually, Switzerland is not that bad for having enough wind for windsurfing, kitesurfing, foiling or sailing. But it requires a good understanding of the wind system or at least knowing which website to check for wind. And you have to drive a bit, especially depending on where in Switzerland you live.

Summary: Go to this page to quickly check where it's windy and just go ahead and ride.

Good websites for wind forecasts and measurements throughout Switzerland

Strategy: AND checking the forecast for the coming week (SRF Meteo) + deciding which day(s) fit into your (work) schedule and planning work accordingly. AND on the day itself on check THE ACTUAL WIND MEASUREMENTS + possibly watch the webcam before setting off.

Surfing and sailing weather SRF Meteo = forecast + measurements (external link)

This is a special 'Surfing and Sailing Weather Switzerland' page that shows you quickly where it will be windy in Switzerland + a wind forecast for the coming week so you can plan your windsurfing, kitesurfing, sailing or wingfoil session. You can make sure on the day itself, because the measured wind speeds are also displayed.

This is a map with current measurement data. Zoom in on your area and click on the map to find out the current wind speed. Now you know if SRF Meteo got it right and you can make an informed decision on where to go.

Central Switzerland region - insider tips

We usually try to catch a thermal wind day at Lake Lucerne. Simply put, the thermal wind begins after 12:00 noon. The big question is IF the thermal wind will kick in. Rely on a webcam. Then you don't drive in vain.
  • Fluelen. The location is called Gruonbach and is open to the public. Attention, the neighboring surf club and campsite are private. cam. Tip: use a trolley to get to the water as it is a long way from the car. Pro tip: Walk a little further than the first beach and discover where most windsurfers rig. If you go into the water here, you will quickly have good wind. Parking Tip: The parking lot fills up quickly, so better come early. Fully? Head towards the village and first exit left, uphill (past some houses) will probably have some parking at the beginning of the forest.
  • Opposite Fluelen. Isleten. Also possible with thermal wind, but slightly longer drifting to achieve good wind. Large parking lot.
  • Alpnach (closer to Lucerne) location is called windsurfer parking lot webcam. Small parking lot and difficult water access.

On, note which direction the wind vane is pointing. west = west wind. North= bise. South = foehn wind 
  • West wind. Although there are many options (Zug, Lake Zurich), we are going more and more to the Eich spot, here at Lake Sempach. Especially the west wind can be reliable here. 
  • Bise. The coldest day you will experience on the water in Switzerland. Zug (Bruggli), Zurich or again Eich am Sempachersee. 
  • Foehn wind. SRF forecast again and check the Meteocentrale foehn diagram (Urnersee & Co.) (external link) for yourself. Anything above 8 (HPA) can be good. If under 10 HPA then Isleten is quite doable. Above 10 HPA (we're now talking force 9 and up in the gusts), Isleten can be difficult and too hardcore. Options then are either closer to Seedorf a spot called Bolzbach (you see cars parked). Or if it's extreme, then Aegeri can be good. Then it is flatter and less windy. 

Regions Western Switzerland+Basel, Eastern Switzerland, Zurich and Ticino

In the making... We're trying to offer really good value for money, so we need a bit of time to get things right in those areas as well.


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